Tagged: Tree Planting

An index of articles tagged with: Tree Planting.

These drones plant trees by firing seed pods at the ground | Popular Science

March 2nd, 2018 | Tree Planting

Working with colleagues, [Dr. Lauren Fletcher] came up with a 30-pound unmanned aerial vehicle nicknamed “Robin.” It can fly over the most rugged landscapes on earth, planting trees in precise locations at the rate of 120 per minute. Source: These drones plant trees by firing seed pods at the ground | Popular Science

Nature Conservancy | Funding Trees for Health

February 4th, 2018 | Tree Planting

A new white paper, written by The Nature Conservancy with input from The Trust for Public Land and Analysis Group, identifies street trees as one of the most overlooked strategies for improving public health in our cities. Source: Nature Conservancy | Funding Trees for Health

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